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Report an Incident

Report an Incident

This system makes it easy to report an incident about workplace issues like financial and auditing concerns, harassment, theft, substance abuse and unsafe conditions.

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Check Status

You can check the status of your report or question using the access number and password you created when you submitted the report or question.

Call Us

If you would prefer to speak to someone confidentially, call us and one of our representatives would be happy to assist you.

phone icon (800) 461-9330

If you are dialing internationally choose your location from the list below for the international number assigned to your country. If your country is not listed click here for additional instructions.

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Please note this is not an emergency service. Contact your local authorities if this is a life threatening issue.

What's happen when you submit a report?

At Sucafina, we are committed to complying with laws and regulations and to conducting our operations ethically. We therefore encourage colleagues and all stakeholders, including clients, contractors or community members who have concerns about conduct or behaviour that does not meet our standards, to speak up. We view raising concerns positively, reinforcing a culture of excellence consistent with our Code of Conduct. To help support our high standards, we are partnering with Convercent, a third-party platform, to provide a confidential and secure space for you to bring up concerns or issues in the workplace.

Each report will be reviewed at our head office by a complaint manager and will be treated on a confidential basis. No information that could allow the identification of the person who made the report will be shared. Moreover, if requested, reports can be submitted anonymously. We encourage the person reporting a complaint to include their contact details so that we can follow up, as appropriate. Complainants wishing to report a case by phone will be directed to a call center where their case will be logged confidentially and forwarded to us.

We recognize that it can sometimes take a lot of courage to speak up. You can rest assured that any information you provide will be stored privately and securely and will be treated with sensitivity and respect. We prohibit retaliation against anyone who has used the Grievance or Whistleblowing Mechanism in good faith. Furthermore, we will make every possible effort to resolve any confirmed issues.
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Difference between a Grievance and Whistleblowing

We have put in place a grievance mechanism to ensure that every voice is heard. Grievances refer to issues arising out of a relationship with Sucafina (such as unfair treatment, mobbing, and harassment). Internal and external stakeholders have access to the grievance mechanism. Grievances submitted through the grievance form will be confidentially reviewed by our Group Human Resources Department.

The whistleblowing option should be chosen by an employee when Sucafina (or an agent or subcontractor of Sucafina) has breached, is breaching or could breach local or international laws or Sucafina’s Code of Conduct and when the concern is of public interest. Complainants are protected by the law if they report any of the following: a criminal offence (e.g. fraud, bribery), a risk or actual damage to the environment, a miscarriage of justice, someone’s health or safety is in danger, or you believe someone is covering up wrongdoing. The whistleblowing protection provided by the law supersedes any previous agreement (e.g. confidentiality clauses in a working contract, non-disclosure agreement). Such reports will be confidentially reviewed by the Sucafina Group Risk & Compliance Department.
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